Building the Foundation for Blended Learning Success [#Infographic]

In order to get the most out of an online and offline learning model, everyone involved must plan ahead.

It used to be that the idea of learning and education was restricted to the brick-and-mortar experience of the traditional classroom. Students filed into a specified building at an exact time, and sat at a desk while taking notes as a teacher lectured.

The Internet, however, has changed where and how learning takes place. The Internet disrupted the encyclopedia (sorry, Britannica) and now it's taking on the classroom. While some might advocate for a wholly online learning experience (and there are reasonable arguments both for and against this) others prefer the blended approach.

The Blended Learning model allows for the self-discovery, independent research and diversity of resources that online learning provides and combines it with the thought-provoking in-person exchanges with peers and instructors that the traditional classroom plays host to.

Earlier this year in February, Digital Learning Now! (DLN), a national initiative under the Foundation for Excellence in Education (ExcelinEd), in association with Getting Smart and The Learning Accelerator (TLA), released the “Blended Learning Implementation Guide Version 1.0.”

After getting some much-needed feedback from educators and administrators, the collaborative has updated its guide, which it released in September as the “Blended Learning Implementation Guide Version 2.0.”

As part of the push for the new guide, the organizers have put together an infographic that highlights how schools can implement blended learning models in their districts.

Like most things related to technology it starts with planning. In this case, that means setting academic goals and identifying funding before launching and crafting a specific strategy and timeline around the initiative so ambiguity and uncertainty don’t derail the process.

Check out the full infographic below from Digital Learning Now!