Who Made Our Honor Roll?

EdTech compiled a list of 50 must-read K-12 IT bloggers to keep educational technology enthusiasts in the loop.

Are you wondering which educational technology bloggers you should be following to track what's ­happening in the K–12 community?

Look no further than EdTech's recently announced list of the top 50 must-read K–12 education IT blogs. Some of the blogs we've honored are written or curated by industry luminaries. The rest are maintained by classroom teachers, district IT leaders, vendor representatives, journalists and others who care passionately about the ways in which technology is transforming the classroom.

Check out the list at edtechmag.com/k12/Top50HonorRoll and let us know what you think.


$5 billion

The estimated value of the worldwide market for hosted virtual clients in 2016, up from $500 million in 2009

SOURCE: Desktop Virtualization: The Global Market for Virtualized Business Desktop PCs (ABI Research, 2011)



The percentage of IT managers for whom virtualization has played a strong role in organizational IT initiatives

SOURCE: Desktop Virtualization Earns Its Stripes: Intel's IT Manager Survey on Desktop Virtualization (September 2011)



The percentage by which customers are reducing their energy consumption and costs through virtualization




The percentage of surveyed organizations that have implemented client virtualization or plan to do so by the end of 2013

SOURCE: Desktop Virtualization and Security: A Global Market Research Report (Citrix Systems, 2011)