What Parents and Students Are Saying About Ed-Tech

New graphic examines how schools leverage technology for learning.

There is all manner of empirical evidence out there to support our belief that technology, when used effectively, can give learning a positive jolt. Case studies and pilot programs about the impact of educational technology abound. But often the best way to determine whether an educational approach is working is simpler than that: Just ask.

That’s what the members of Project Tomorrow, a nonprofit supporting the adoption of technology in schools, do as part of the group’s massive annual Speak Up survey, which this year polled more than 416,000 students, parents, teachers, librarians and administrators about the impact of technology in schools.

The data, included in a two-part series released in April and May and later repurposed by the editors of Education Week as part of the infographic seen here, provides some interesting insights into how students and parents feel about the use of educational technology in America’s schools and classrooms.

Did you know, for instance, that:

  • 57 percent of students in grades 9 through 12 support the use of virtual learning because it allows them to work at their own pace;
  • 63 percent of parents with students in kindergarten through grade 5 are likely to buy a mobile device for their child to use at school;
  • That percentage jumps to 70 percent for parents with students in grades 9 through 12;
  • 74 percent of parents believe technology can provide improved access to curriculum and online textbooks to use from home; and
  • 53 percent of parents value technology as a tool to receive daily updates on their child’s grades and progress?

For more about how parents and students leverage technology in schools, check out the infographic below. You can also download the full report, including results of the educator portion of the survey, by visiting the Project Tomorrow site here.


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