Three Cheers for 3D

Teachers believe the technology has a great future in the classroom.

It's probably safe to assume that the majority of today's students would warmly welcome 3D into their studies. They have grown up in a digital world, after all, and tend to engage more fully in ­experiences that are technology-driven. But what do their teachers think?

Texas Instruments DLP recently asked 500 educators from K–12 schools nationwide to weigh in on 3D's value in the classroom. The company's technology powers more than 40,000 movie screens worldwide, 65 percent of which are 3D-enabled, as well as millions of 3D-ready projectors already in place in classrooms across the globe. Among other things, the survey revealed the following:

When Will 3D Lessons Become the Norm?

Before 2015  2%
By 2015      21%
By 2020      39%
By 2025      22%
After 2025    5%
Don't know  11%

For the Kids

93% of respondents think their students would like to be taught in 3D. But 25% of them aren't convinced that students would benefit from the technology.

SOURCE: "Thoughts on 3D in the Classroom" (Texas Instruments DLP and Impulse Research, June 2011)


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