Women and IT: Only Small Percentage are in IT

U.S. Jobs, 2006

49% men, 51% women

U.S. I.T. Jobs, 2006

74% men, 26% women

Women in the workplace are nothing new; they hold more than half the jobs in the United States. But the numbers change dramatically when it comes to the percentage of information technology jobs held by women. A look at K–12 shows this trend may not improve in the years to come: In 2006, 56 percent of Advanced Placement test-takers overall were girls, but only 15 percent of AP Computer Science test-takers were female, according to the College Board, the nonprofit organization that runs the Advanced Placement program and the SATs.

A breakdown of the finalists in the Intel Science and Engineering Fair shows similar statistics. While 54 percent of the finalists in biochemistry were girls, only 12 percent of the finalists in computer science were female.

1 million: The number of computer and information-related jobs expected to be added to the U.S. workforce by 2014

500,000: The number of people expected to graduate with computer science degrees from U.S. universities by 2014

Teens and Tech

The communication gap between teenagers and their parents is getting wider because of technology, according to the finding of this i-Safe survey.

  • 87% of parents say they have established rules for their children’s Internet use.
  • 36% of children say their parents have not made rules for their Internet use.
  • 69% of parents feel they know a lot about what their kids do on the Internet.
  • 41% of children say they do not share what they do and where they go online.
  • 31% of parents have disciplined their children because of their Internet use.
  • 73% of children say there is a need for children to learn about Internet safety.

Some teenagers are spending more money on wireless phones than on CDs and clothing. According to a report, half of all teenagers now own wireless devices; in some high schools, 80% of students have one.

Source: ABC News

An estimated 76% of kids ages 15 to 19 and 90% of people in their early twenties regularly use their cell phones for text messaging, ring tones and games.

Source: Time magazine