5 Commencement Addresses from Technologists
It’s graduation season, and that means commencement addresses are popping up on YouTube. Sure, it’s a marketing opportunity for universities, but graduates benefit from the thoughtful advice offered by commencement speakers as well.
Many colleges have turned to technologists to address students. The importance of technology in the professional and personal lives of Americans creates an opportunity for technologists to tell their success stories to the next generation of entrepreneurs, programmers and IT professionals.
We have compiled a few of the best 2013 commencement addresses given by technology leaders:
Dick Costolo, Twitter CEO
University of Michigan

“Don’t always worry about what your next line is supposed to be or what you’re supposed to do next. There’s no script.”
Alex Kipman, Incubation – Xbox General Manager
Rochester Institute of Technology

“The world needs you to keep dreaming ever bigger dreams.”
Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-Founder
High Point University

“Trust your youthful thinking, and try to stick to it.”
Melinda Gates, Former Microsoft Employee and Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Duke University

“I believe we are finally creating the scientific and technological tools to turn the world into a neighborhood.”
Yancey Strickler, Kickstarter Co-Founder and Head of Communications
McNally Smith College of Music

Live your life with an open heart and full of curiosity and love and you will know these things. The world will present itself to you.”
Is there a noteworthy commencement address we missed? Let us know in the Comments section.