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Jun 22 2012

Q&A with Must-Read IT Blogger Eric Stoller

Insight into the future of higher education.

Eric Stoller is a nationally recognized speaker and consultant who also runs a great blog. So great, in fact, we chose it to be part of our 50 Must-Read Higher Education Technology Blogs. Thanks, Eric, for taking the time to speak with us!

EdTech: Who do you think is leading the way in higher education technology?

Eric: The folks at EDUCAUSE are at the center of higher education and technology. Their annual conference is one of the most comprehensive tech + higher ed events. Most of the major EdTech solutions providers will be there, and the sessions are generally quite informative. The EdTech community that attends EDUCAUSE is one of the smartest groups of practitioners that I get to interact with each year.

EdTech: What will be the most important technology of 2012?

Eric: Mobile, mobile, mobile . . . okay, so maybe that was an easy way out, but it's true. Students, staff, faculty, alums, parents, family members and everyone else will be accessing as many services as they can via their mobile devices. The speed at which mobile technology is moving is phenomenal. Additionally, I would also say that Big Data is going to be more important than ever in 2012. Schools are just now getting to a place where they can compile and analyze their various data streams. It's really exciting stuff!

EdTech: Where do you get your technology news?

Eric: I read everything. My mornings are spent reading through multiple e-mail newsletters and RSS feeds in Google Reader and surfing through Twitter to see what folks are sharing. A lot of what I do is to serve as a content curator for the communities that I work with. My position as a consultant enables me to find the best bits of info and share it back with folks.

EdTech: What prompted your interest in student affairs and higher education?

Eric: In a recent talk [see below] I spoke about how my grandfather always encouraged me to stay in school. Higher education has always felt like "home" to me. From when I was a community college student in Iowa to when I was getting my master’s degree in Oregon, school has always felt like where I belong. When I landed a job in student affairs in Chicago, I didn't realize that this would become my career path, but sometimes, fortunate accidents can be extremely special. Working in higher education/student affairs is a very rewarding path. It's always interesting!

EdTech: If you could use just one social network, would it be Facebook, Twitter or Google+? Why?

Eric: Twitter. Without question, Twitter is the most versatile social network in my life. It's my channel for connection-making, networking, sharing, learning, promoting, giving and socializing. Google+ and Facebook are definitely useful, but I am on Twitter far more often than I am on any other social media channel.

EdTech: What does the next year hold for Eric Stoller?

Eric: The neat thing for me right now is that my consulting business is a source of constant energy and excitement. Writing, speaking and consulting at schools make up the majority of my endeavors. I love getting the opportunity to meet new people, to share resources and to come up with communications strategies with my clients. It always feels fulfilling as I am working directly with the community that I've been part of for a very long time.

Check out Eric Stoller’s blog and EdTech’s 50 Must-Read Higher Education Technology Blogs.