The Mirage in Las Vegas.

May 24 2018

UBTech 2018: Merger Creates Larger Conference Focused on IT, Audiovisual Solutions

Leaders will hold keynotes on audiovisual trends and strategies, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

UBTech 2018, which for the first time will incorporate the former Campus Technology Conference, will be held from June 4-6 in Las Vegas. The merger signals a larger, more robust event that will continue to focus on IT, with an emphasis on audiovisual (AV) solutions.

Also new this year, the conference will include a Women in Technology Leadership Summit on June 4, along with sessions on workplace productivity and collaboration.

This year’s conference will bring together experts in diverse aspects of higher education technology. It will feature everything from presentations on active-learning classrooms to discussions about enterprise IT.

Audiovisual Strategy, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence

Speakers will address themes that are both timely and forward-looking for higher education. On June 4, Gary Kayye will share his expertise on AV trends and strategy. Kayye is the founder and president of rAVe Publications, which covers AV, digital signage and education.

On June 5, cybersecurity expert Joanne Martin will give the opening keynote. Martin, a 2012 inductee to the Women in Technology International Hall of Fame, previously served as the CISO and vice president for IT at IBM and is now a consultant.

In the closing keynote, Charles Isbell will share his expertise on artificial intelligence (AI) and what it could mean for higher education. Isbell, a senior associate dean at Georgia Tech’s College of Computing, studies the application of machine learning to build autonomous, interactive agents.

UBTech Sessions Focus on the Connected Campus

Preconference summits, including the Women in Technology Leadership Summit, will kick off the event on June 4. Jenny Evans, an author and human performance expert, will provide a keynote on how women can crush the confidence gap. Breakout sessions and Kayye’s welcome address will also be held. Sessions follow all day on June 5 and on the morning of June 6.

Active-learning classrooms, technology-enhanced learning and faculty engagement are big themes this year. Sessions will address the use of instructional video, AV strategies, tech support challenges and insights to help facilitate adoption of tech solutions.

Enterprise pros will find sessions that address the nuts and bolts of campus IT, such as cloud implementations and virtual desktop infrastructure.

Whether you attend the event or just want to follow it online, visit our conference landing page or check out @EdTech_HigherEd to keep up with coverage from the EdTech team.

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